Troutdale, OR
- Design Criteria:
- Maintain two travel lanes in each direction of I-84 during construction.
- Conform to current safety standards.
- Meet aesthetic requirements of national scenic areas.
- Include a combined bicycle and pedestrian crossing that will accommodate users traveling in both directions.
- Owner: Oregon Department of Transportation
- General Contractor: Hamilton Construction Company, Springfield, OR
- Epoxy-Coated Reinforcing Steel: 816 tons
- Total Project Cost: $58 million
- Total Project Size: Length: 840 ft
Width: 80 and 68 ftt - Year Completed: October 2014
ODOT (Oregon Department of Transportation) is replacing two structurally deficient bridges on I-84 over the Sandy River. The eastbound bridge over the Sandy River will include a combined bicycle and pedestrian crossing that will accommodate local users. The contract includes two 840-ft-long bridges, one 80 ft wide and the other 68 ft wide, to replace existing bridges in the exact same alignment. When the eastbound bridge is completed, it will consist of two lanes for traffic and have a combined 16-foot-wide bicycle and pedestrian crossing alongside it. Work began in the early summer of 2010, and both bridges will be complete by fall of 2014.
In-water work restrictions due to the salmon-filled rivers of western Oregon required the use of a top-down bridge construction method. The new I-84 bridges will have a total of six piers in the river instead of 18 piers currently holding up the eastbound and westbound bridges, reducing the potential of storm debris getting caught up on the bridge piers. The top-down beam placement method added about $10 million to the project.
The new cast-in-place decks have two layers of epoxy-coated steel reinforcement with both layers laid out at 6-inch intervals.